About Me

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Who am I?? (That's the secret I never tell~haha~from Gossip Girl)~ XD~ Emmmm...I can't tell you who am I because Me, myself can't even told u who I am~! Weird huh~? This is me~! lol~! Erm...The only thing I can tell you is, My name is LiJia. Different friends called in different ways. Some of them called me Ricca, Yuna, Sakurai, LiJia, Jia Jia...etc. or they mixed up in one call- Sakurai LiJia Ricca Yuna....wahaha~I am 23 yrs old(wah,old lady)~lol~ Fresh Graduate from QUT @ Brisbane and majoring in Finance (yuck~!disgusting major~!) XD~ I love Japan esp Arashi. ~^^~ Emmmm...This is what I can tell you guys...And discover it by yourself. What you can do to know me deeper is read my blog and mix/blend with me. Discover me in your own unique way~! XD~ Well, feel free to tell me who I am. I appreciated it~! XD~

Thursday, February 14, 2013

每日一剂 之 农历新年

大家好,是我 Yuna.

新年快乐! 祝大家新一年事事顺利!平平安安!财源广进!

2)事业= low than expected
3)学习= 合格
5)旅游= 台湾, 国内景点

今年的目标 :
1)存款= xxxxx
2)事业= 高薪升职! 一切比上年更好更进步更顺利!不要被小人害,让小人得力!
3)学习=考到 JLPT N4 (如果赶上N3更好!)
4)努力朝向目标体重!不要变老!越变越年轻! 越来越有气质! 进阶到另个层次。
5)旅行= 已经去了越南。泰国, 巴厘岛,   Batam。
